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Project structure

Project structure

Directory Description
.github GitHub Actions workflows
base additional controls and Java API
docs GitHub Pages project website
sampler Sampler application
styles theme sources (SASS)


To build and run the whole project, including packaged Sampler app image:

mvn install
mvn javafx:run -pl sampler

If you want to use hot reload (update CSS without restarting the Sampler app), you have to start app in development mode:

# start watching for SASS source code changes
mvn compile -pl styles -Pdev

# run sampler in dev mode
mvn javafx:run -pl sampler -Pdev

You can also build each Maven module individually:

mvn install -N
mvn install -pl styles
mvn install -pl base
mvn javafx:run -pl sampler


If you want to contribute some Java code, you should be aware of two additional checks.

  • Maven Checkstyle analysis will be performed automatically. You just need to read Maven output warnings, if any. Installing checkstyle plugin, which is supported by any IDE, makes it event simpler. Import checkstyle.xml to your code style settings to auto-configure project's code formatting and linting.
  • To perform Maven ErrorProne plugin analysis, use the corresponding profile.

    mvn compile -Plint


Project documentation is made with MkDocs. If you want to serve the docs locally to preview some significant changes, you need Python installed. Otherwise, don't worry and just edit the corresponding markdown file(s). GitHub Pages are updated automatically by the GitHub action on each push to the master branch.

pip install mkdocs-material
cd docs
mkdocs serve